We build
new worlds
Play, Build, Own, and Monetize Your Virtual Experience
200к+ members joined
Onramp real life to metaverse and back
InterWorld is a virtual world that allows users to build their own tools, games, content, markets, and businesses. Assets in InterWorld may be purchased by individual community members, giving them full control over their creations.
Allow the world to compute your human connections
InterWorld is a vibrant virtual world where users can create dynamic experiences. InterWorld introduces Citizenship for land PLOT owners. Your land PLOTs, buildings, and other assets are all functional assets in InterWorld. Grow your social experience in InterWorld as you engage with family, coworkers, and new friends.
Create Your Own Virtual Experience
InterWorld Members can manage and upgrade assets in InterWorld from Lands, Houses, Business Buildings, Furnishings, Cars, Clothing, Accessories, and more to create their own virtual experience.
Social Experience
Be a part of a vibrant Social Experience, with friends, family, co-workers. Meet new friends to share experiences with in this dynamic, fast paced, exciting virtual 3D world!